Do You Need Storage for Your Upcoming Move?

Nov 17, 2017 | Moving & Storage Blog

Do You Need Storage for Your Upcoming Move?
There is a lot of planning that goes into a moving day, including where you will keep all of your items as you go from one location to another. While you may not have any difficulty getting from Point A to Point B with all of your belongings, there are some instances in which having storage can be helpful.

  1. Downsizing – One great reason to choose storage during your move is if you are downsizing your home. It can be very time-consuming to go through all of your things, and you may also have items that you aren’t ready to part with, but that don’t yet have a secure place at your new location. Storage allows you to keep the items that mean the most without having to move them to your new place right away.
  2. Time Restrictions – Do you need to be out of one place on a certain date, but can’t move into your new location for a few more days or weeks? Storage can solve this problem by giving you a temporary place to keep your belongings before your final move. You can also take your time moving your belongings to the new location from your storage area if need be.
  3. Multiple Moves – While it isn’t always convenient, sometimes you find yourself staying in a temporary place in between moves. Storage is a great way to keep the things you need the most with you at your temporary address while your other belongings are kept safely and securely at a storage facility.

At Barringer Moving & Storage, we have over 88,000 square feet of storage to help our customers with all aspects of their moving day. If you find yourself in one of these unique situations, or require storage services as part of your move, contact us today to learn how we can assist you.

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